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Royal horticultural society


An interactive display of plants, vegetables, and herbs , all grown on Lee’s nursery in Derbyshire. 

Based on a decahdron shape, ( 10 sides)  featuring five bays, and five shelf units. On a 3.6 mtr table 

The 5 bays expressing use of senses , featuring plants applicable to each sense, and interaction, including , candles that match the plants, ( smell) magnifying glasses ( sight) audio visual video ( sound) etc at the back of the bays is art work by Carole Ellis art, with some surprises!

All the table is covered with a sedum matting with over 16 varieties of sedums and sempervivums , 

The 5 shelf units are to highlight the life and times of plants, from seed, to mature plant. 

Lee and his team will be selling a large selection of baby plants, his newly launched 63 varieties of seeds, and candles which can be bought online.

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